OpenPlant Modeler Help

Endplates - Stiffeners tab

Used to set stiffeners.

Stiffener When checked, stiffeners, on the side of the end plate are inserted into the supporting shape at the level of the flanges.
Inner Stiffeners When checked, creates additional stiffeners between the already created stiffeners. In the input fields, you specify the number and the distance to the upper and lower edge of the plate.
Support Stiffeners
The prerequisite for generating this stiffeners is the use of a bottom flange haunch having a stiffener on the side of the bottom flange haunch and a cover plate.
  • Number / Offsets – Creates number of additional diagonal ribs into the supporting shape. The offsets of upper insertion and lower insertion start are set in respective fields. With the Height entry, you define the distance of the lower insertion point to the inner side of the flange.
Stiffeners at Bottom Flange Haunch
  • Supporting Shape – Here, you specify the stiffener in the supporting shape at use of a bottom flange haunch.
  • Connecting Shape – Here you specify the stiffener in the connecting shape at use of a bottom flange haunch.
(Edit Style)

Opens Stiffener dialog, used for insertion or edition of stiffeners. Here, you can modify the values and create new templates.

Note: The settings for stiffeners cannot be made independently here. You only select a template containing the necessary parameters.

The advantage is that you have to define a certain kind of stiffener only once and then only select it by using its name. However, you mustn’t forget that in case of modifying this page after having modified this stiffener template the existing stiffeners are updated as well (i.e. they will obtain the dimensions of the modified template).

An example of an end plate connection with bottom flange haunch, cover plate and diagonal stiffener in the supporting shape